Hoping after this explanation of how we’ll be standing up in the field and clear knowledge of everyone duties, individual and collective.
On the drawing it’s marked ten rectangle spaces with a number.
It’s the number of each position on the field you’ll be confortable according to your skills and aptitude.
Every position is important and the one playing that position its responsibility is protecting that area, not excuses!!
If the ball lands on your marked area (# ) you have to control the ball, if nobody else came quick enough to help you, make a pause protecting the ball.
If a player from the other team attack you, you’ll use your skills to dribble, and right away start a combination with your teammates, the classic play of “touching and go” .
The “touch and go” I had explained to you a few times!! “Short pass to the foot “
If the action started from your goalie, the defenders would move the ball up the field, and then the attackers will position open to receive the short pass, always (everyone) facing the contrary’s box!!! Not passing the ball to someone behind, always forward!!
When you pass the ball behind, you’re giving time to the other team to recoup and make it harder for you to surprise the opponent .
I keep insisting with the short passes, because in the only two practices we did, the players came back to the same routine, long passes and most were intercepted
Short passes to the foot!!
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