Never fails after the game it's over, always think. I'll never see other game so bad!!, Then come the next game, WORSE, Believe or not!!
If this WORLD CUP, it's not the worse ever!!, may be the next one!!
I wait several days to write something, after that disastrous tournament, I was so disappointed that I can't explain with words, -and I had an idea!!-, the way it would be played the game!! I wrote before the tournament started (see OTRO MUNDIAL) last post.
I did some comments in a post in Facebook, -too quick after the final game-,but I was getting sick of my stomach, reading the posted for some of my friends, they were so happy and content, the way Uruguay played the tournament, that I could not tolerated no more, and write something like Shut up!! Just PURE LUCK!! No because we played fantastic, or have a game plan other the defend and toss the ball the higher you CAN!!
One "friend" said something like I'm a perfectionist, NO!! It's that I still remembering from one game to the other, and my memories of the games was sadly, been with our backs on our own goal, and if the ball did not goes in, it was JUST PURE LUCK, plus the other were very lousiest too, that helped in the result
I do not comment game by game,I'm not a commentaries professional, just trying to help the beautiful game to came back to what is suppose to be!! (see post LAST WARRIOR)and if we win, but, played terrible, I'm not CONTENT!
But, what I'm saying for long time, IF one Country try to play good ball movements, and not going try to confuse the referees with that acts of been victimized, or, abusing the faults, IF JUST PLAY BALL would WIN!!
Again to my "friend" that is why I was so disappointed, even getting a fourth position in a WORLD CUP should be enough to be happy, but not, we have players that could be playing a lot better, HOW ONE FORWARD, CAN BE UNDER HIS OWN POST defending, -and avoiding a goal- and run to the other side of the field TO TRY TO MAKE A GOAL. Anybody that played the game knows, that is impossible to perform correctly, yours brains and legs quit on you!! That is the reason I bitchy at the COACH!! PLAYERS WE HAVE!!
Talking about luck, The coach is being confirmed, also with the minors players!! UNBELIEVABLE!!
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